We are in the midst of trying to adopt our second child (YAY!). We are back at the point where we wait for The Call that tells us we've been matched with a birthmother. This time around has been very different than last time in many ways. God has seemed a little quieter, though still very present and clear about certain parts of the process - but no Hope Quilts being dropped off on our door step so far. And I know that this is a good thing. We can't always have a super clear "go this way" sign from God - if we did, it wouldn't really require faith. But it's hard for me sometimes...I like big, clear signs. I can't help it.
In part, it's been hard because I want our second baby to have a story that's as amazing as Douglas', a story that tells them without a doubt that God loves them and was with them always, always, always. That He never left them. That He always had a plan for them. That He knew all along whose belly they would grow in and then who would raise them and be called Mommy and Daddy. And these things are true whether there is a Hope Quilt or not, and we will always teach our children this truth. Still, it made me sad to think that this baby wouldn't have a story like the Hope Quilt. I know that God loves this child just as much as He loves Douglas, and He knows what this baby needs...if they needed a crazy quilt story like Douglas', He would give them one.
Well, He did.
A tiny bit of background first, though. Adoption can be a very expensive process, which is a very sad and frustrating reality. Micah and I, however, haven't felt the prompting at all, either in Douglas' adoption process or in this one so far, to fundraise or ask others to give money to help out. God has provided in a variety of ways, but we haven't asked for money. Not because we don't believe in that or think that's a bad idea in any way or are unwilling to, but simply because we haven't felt a prompting to do so at this point. I say this now because I think it's important to know that the following story was in no way a response to us asking for money or even expressing a need. If it were, that would be a nice story, but it wouldn't have the same crazy factor that this one does.
So, my parents were in town last weekend, and one night when we sat down to eat dinner, I saw that there was an envelope at my plate that said "Ging & Micah (& Baby)". My mom had put it there and couldn't contain her excitement as I opened it. Immediately I saw a big wad of $100 bills.
The card was from my sister-in-law, Heather Ann.

It said this:
"Enclosed is a gift from God for Baby #2. About a month ago, God told me very clearly to have a garage sale & that the money from that sale was primarily to be given to you guys to go towards the costs involved with the adoption. It's been fun to see the Lord bring others into this process & be blessed by this adoption. Most of the baby items at the sale (a car load) came from another family in the process of adopting an older child. They needed to clear out the room they had been storing all their baby stuff in, so I told them about the garage sale & offered to take everything off their hands. They were touched to be able to help another adoptive family in that way. (Our friend's) brother passed away & the rest of our garage sale items were primarily his. It seemed to bring some healing to her grieving heart, & a connection to praying for your baby as her brother's things were used for good. I tell you some of the background so you can see some of the ways God is blessing others through your process and this baby's life, who we have yet to meet, but who God knows & loves & is in the process of bringing into your/our family. I love you guys & more importantly, God loves you & he loves your baby & he hears you."
Wow. Wow.
What makes this story even more amazing is the fact that my brother was out of work for a long time, and saying that finances are tight for them is an understatement. So they really needed the money from that garage sale. My first instinct was to be upset that she would give me the money when I knew that she needed it more. But the second I started reading the card, I knew we were dealing with something entirely different here. The money wasn't a gift from Heather Ann. The gift from her was that she chose to obey, and we got to bask in the reward of that (as does she). This money was truly a gift from God that He gave to us through her, just as the Hope Quilt was a gift from God that He gave to us through Debi.

I am struck by who God chose to use to give us the Hope Quilt and this money. First, He chose Debi who knew personally the pain of fertility struggles. Someone who didn't know and was therefore not sensitive to that pain would not have needed as much faith to do what she did. Then, he chose Heather Ann who knew how much they needed that money and, therefore, how ludicrous it seemed to do what she knew she needed to do. If she had had money at her fingertips, it wouldn't have required the same faith for her to deliver that money to us. It took a huge amount of courage and faith to listen and obey.
I talked with Heather Ann on the phone, and she told me the whole story. About how God clearly told her to have a garage sale and give us the money for adoption. About how afraid she was because she knew there was a good chance that I would a) not even accept the money and b) be completely pissed that she was trying to give it to me. About how God is teaching her about obedience, and that this is the latest in a string of things He's using to do so. About how doubtful she was about it at times, but what peace she felt when she opened herself to what she knew she needed to do. About how through this process she realized that we are all one family, all interconnected.

"The House of the World" - Guatemala
She choked up when she told me that she's felt how much God loves and cares about this child and our family and wants to provide. She told me what a connection she feels with our baby already and how many lives this little one has already touched before even being born.
My mom and Heather Ann told some of the people who came to the garage sale what they were doing. My mom told the lady at the bank when she took in the ridiculous amount of coins that needed to be cashed. Then there was the adoptive couple who donated so many clothes, the friend grieving the loss of her brother, my beautiful sister-in-law who obeyed, my sweet mom who worked tirelessly to help Heather Ann pull this thing off...all of them felt that they were a part of something good and beautiful. And they are.

Lago de Atitlan, Guatemala
And now they are woven into the precious story of this child's life forever.
Over the past few years I have learned more about how mysterious God is and how much more there is going on than what we see. It never ceases to amaze me that, in spite of all that bigness, God still cares about and shows up in the little details - the baby quilts and the garage sales. I love that about Him.
In part, it's been hard because I want our second baby to have a story that's as amazing as Douglas', a story that tells them without a doubt that God loves them and was with them always, always, always. That He never left them. That He always had a plan for them. That He knew all along whose belly they would grow in and then who would raise them and be called Mommy and Daddy. And these things are true whether there is a Hope Quilt or not, and we will always teach our children this truth. Still, it made me sad to think that this baby wouldn't have a story like the Hope Quilt. I know that God loves this child just as much as He loves Douglas, and He knows what this baby needs...if they needed a crazy quilt story like Douglas', He would give them one.
Well, He did.
A tiny bit of background first, though. Adoption can be a very expensive process, which is a very sad and frustrating reality. Micah and I, however, haven't felt the prompting at all, either in Douglas' adoption process or in this one so far, to fundraise or ask others to give money to help out. God has provided in a variety of ways, but we haven't asked for money. Not because we don't believe in that or think that's a bad idea in any way or are unwilling to, but simply because we haven't felt a prompting to do so at this point. I say this now because I think it's important to know that the following story was in no way a response to us asking for money or even expressing a need. If it were, that would be a nice story, but it wouldn't have the same crazy factor that this one does.
So, my parents were in town last weekend, and one night when we sat down to eat dinner, I saw that there was an envelope at my plate that said "Ging & Micah (& Baby)". My mom had put it there and couldn't contain her excitement as I opened it. Immediately I saw a big wad of $100 bills.
The card was from my sister-in-law, Heather Ann.

"Enclosed is a gift from God for Baby #2. About a month ago, God told me very clearly to have a garage sale & that the money from that sale was primarily to be given to you guys to go towards the costs involved with the adoption. It's been fun to see the Lord bring others into this process & be blessed by this adoption. Most of the baby items at the sale (a car load) came from another family in the process of adopting an older child. They needed to clear out the room they had been storing all their baby stuff in, so I told them about the garage sale & offered to take everything off their hands. They were touched to be able to help another adoptive family in that way. (Our friend's) brother passed away & the rest of our garage sale items were primarily his. It seemed to bring some healing to her grieving heart, & a connection to praying for your baby as her brother's things were used for good. I tell you some of the background so you can see some of the ways God is blessing others through your process and this baby's life, who we have yet to meet, but who God knows & loves & is in the process of bringing into your/our family. I love you guys & more importantly, God loves you & he loves your baby & he hears you."
Wow. Wow.
What makes this story even more amazing is the fact that my brother was out of work for a long time, and saying that finances are tight for them is an understatement. So they really needed the money from that garage sale. My first instinct was to be upset that she would give me the money when I knew that she needed it more. But the second I started reading the card, I knew we were dealing with something entirely different here. The money wasn't a gift from Heather Ann. The gift from her was that she chose to obey, and we got to bask in the reward of that (as does she). This money was truly a gift from God that He gave to us through her, just as the Hope Quilt was a gift from God that He gave to us through Debi.

I talked with Heather Ann on the phone, and she told me the whole story. About how God clearly told her to have a garage sale and give us the money for adoption. About how afraid she was because she knew there was a good chance that I would a) not even accept the money and b) be completely pissed that she was trying to give it to me. About how God is teaching her about obedience, and that this is the latest in a string of things He's using to do so. About how doubtful she was about it at times, but what peace she felt when she opened herself to what she knew she needed to do. About how through this process she realized that we are all one family, all interconnected.

She choked up when she told me that she's felt how much God loves and cares about this child and our family and wants to provide. She told me what a connection she feels with our baby already and how many lives this little one has already touched before even being born.
My mom and Heather Ann told some of the people who came to the garage sale what they were doing. My mom told the lady at the bank when she took in the ridiculous amount of coins that needed to be cashed. Then there was the adoptive couple who donated so many clothes, the friend grieving the loss of her brother, my beautiful sister-in-law who obeyed, my sweet mom who worked tirelessly to help Heather Ann pull this thing off...all of them felt that they were a part of something good and beautiful. And they are.

And now they are woven into the precious story of this child's life forever.
Over the past few years I have learned more about how mysterious God is and how much more there is going on than what we see. It never ceases to amaze me that, in spite of all that bigness, God still cares about and shows up in the little details - the baby quilts and the garage sales. I love that about Him.
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