This blog is about the things that I care about. I'll post information that I come across in my endless attempts to find ways for my family to be healthier, eat cleaner, live more sustainably. I'll talk about our life - the joy and the triumph and the messy pain of it all.
For a long time, I thought I needed to come up with a set theme or plan for my blog so that I didn't end up just rambling about everything and, therefore, nothing. But, look...I have ADHD. So, too, will my blog. It will be all over the place, and that's just the way I like it. I planted carrot seeds in our garden last weekend, and I realized that I had no idea where I had planted them because, of course, I hadn't done it in neat little rows. It was a little here, a little there, utilizing any space I could find. When I told Micah that I didn't really know where the seeds were (as he tried to water), he said "of course you don't. The garden is a reflection of the gardener." I laughed at how he knows me. And so it is with this blog - the blog is a reflection of the blogger.
Family, adoption, gardening (which I'm totally new to, and I have no idea what I'm doing), Yoga, healthy eating (right now for me this means gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free), less-toxic ways of cleaning and living, learning more ways to take better care of the planet...these are some of the things that I care about.