We started using Time Out a few weeks ago, and it is hilarious (/infuriating) to see how clueless he is about the whole thing.
First, I sat him on a chair in the dining room. He couldn't have loved it any more than he did! He never gets to play in there, nor had he ever sat on the nice dining room chairs, so he was scratching at the fabric and having a grand ol' time. He spent the rest of the afternoon saying "Chair! Chair!" because he wanted to relive that awesome experience he'd just had. Clearly the dining room is not going to be a good long-term Time Out option.
So then I started putting him on the stairs instead. Slight improvement - and I mean slight. He finds a million things to do. Play with the banister. Drum on his knees. Play with the tiny hole at the bottom of the banister where the baby gate attaches. Endless fun.

The first time I put him in Time Out there, I could barely contain my laughter as he found any way to entertain himself and, thus, avoid giving me the satisfaction of knowing that he was learning his lesson. I somehow want him to show displeasure so that I'm certain he "gets" it. No such luck.
I know what you're thinking - "Well, Ginger, maybe your taking pictures of him in Time Out might have something to do with why he's hammin' it up and thinks it's a fun game!" But, rest assured, this is the only time I've taken pictures of him in Time Out. It was just too hilarious to miss!
Oh well. It's the effort that counts, right? Maybe someday he'll figure out what the heck Time Out is for and it will actually be beneficial. I have no doubt before long he'll be weeping in Time Out, and then we'll have a whole other problem on our hands.
Parenthood cracks me up. It's all just one big experiment...trial and error until you find the things that work for your family and your children in any given situation. And you just hope and pray the whole time that somehow they will end up as loving, caring, responsible adults who contribute to society in positive ways.
I'll admit I'm a little biased, but I think Douglas is off to an excellent start...even though he thinks Time Out is ridiculous.

1 comment:
hahaha, very funny! Thanks for sharing a practical mom story!
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