Douglas admiring his own personal Christmas tree in his bedroom - a tradition that I LOVE that my mom started when we were kids.
I cried when I saw what was going on. I knew that I wanted to be a part of it, to help somehow, but I didn't know how - I decided to wait and listen. I mentioned it to Micah and he was on board. Below is the e-mail that I sent to Glennon about what went down:
I tried to post a comment (I was super embarrassed to post it, but thought it was important to be vulnerable so everyone can see the MULTIPLE facets of this love fest of blessings goin' on here.) But, alas, I'm long winded, so it was too long to post. It wouldn't accept all my characters. Go figure.
I said in an earlier comment that I'd wait to see how I was supposed to be involved in this. I asked and listened. God told me $300 ...I knew it was him because he's so random like that. I told my husband today and he was a little shocked and said we don't have that extra $ right now and that's kindof a lot. But that we would make it work if I really felt it was what God was asking. I said we'll talk about it later. We just adopted our second son and as with most adoptions there's not much $ left over afterward. So things are tight. Not scary tight at all, but just tighter than we usually are in the "extra" category.
I hung up and was discouraged. I looked in our envelopes (we do the cash system and have envelopes of cash for the categories) to see if I could scrounge up $300 and fell way short...I had almost expected there to be exactly $300 extra in there bc that's how I know God works sometimes. Then I heard God telling me to look at my gift cards. NO. NOT MY GIFT CARDS. I have a wallet full of store credits and gift cards. I rarely, if ever, use them. I love them. They are my rainy day fund. Husband doesn't know or care if or when I use them, so it's all just treat money! But I hoard them. I never use them. Some have been there for years. In part bc I forget them. But mostly I think it's for the same reason anyone hoards - because we're afraid God won't provide, so we're trying to protect ourselves.
I got out the cards and reluctantly began to call to get the amounts on all of them. Then I added them up. Just over $300. Hmm. I then sat there (this is so embarrassing) and tried to fenagle my way into keeping some of them. "Gap? C'mon! I want to keep it so I can get my littles those precious long sleeve waffle tees to wear under cute t-shirts in the winter! C'MON!!!" Nope. I seriously tried to find some way to make it work to where I could keep some. I felt the Spirit gently smiling at me and saying, "Let go. Let them go." I thought of the fact that I don't need these cards. Other people NEED. THESE. CARDS. And they've been sitting in my wallet collecting dust when someone else could have been enjoying the fruit of them all this time.
So, if you'll accept (I kindof know you will because you're quirky and open to quirky things like that I'm guessing) a total MOTLEY CREW of cards, I've got 'em. Gap. Target. Babies R Us. Janie and Jack. Sams. And the amounts are RANDOM because lots of them are store credit. $66.69. $19.26. Random crap, I'm telling you. Want 'em? If you say no, I'll think, "hmm...MAYBE, God, you just wanted me to go through the exercise, but you don't really want me to give them away?..." Just kidding. No part of me thinks this was just an exercise. Or that you'll say no to funky contributions. But, just know, the people receiving these cards may think it's weird. I mean, Janie and Jack for $28.12?
I just wanted you to know how MULTI MULTI (x a million) faceted the amazing blessings of this project are, Glennon. Here I am in Kansas and God's using this to a) speak directly to me which I totally love when he does that b) grow my faith by showing me that YES I actually heard him when he said $300 and c) to heal another wounded part of me where I somehow believe the lie that he won't provide for us and so I keep a rainy day fund of gift cards just in CASE he doesn't show up when I need him to. It feels GOOD to let go. My wallet is so light and fluffy after The Big Card Dump.
Thank you. Truly. I know you know it's a blessing to give - even bigger than to receive. But I wanted you to know HOW much of a blessing this particular time of giving was for me.
So please send me your address so I can send this hilarious envelope of cards.
GingerI posted this to illustrate the point that we all have areas of our lives where we are holding on too tightly. Hoarding. Areas that we are protecting. And if we will let our guards down a little bit, God might just look us square in the face and lovingly say, "It's time. This isn't really yours in the first place. Let it go. Make room." My intense attachment to my gift card stash came as a complete surprise to me. I knew I hoarded them and didn't use them, but I never knew how hard it would be for me to give them away. I mean, I'm telling you - I seriously sat there for 30 minutes trying to find a combination of the cards that added up to $300 and somehow left me with a gift card or two to spend. After a while, I actually started laughing at the hilarity of what I was doing. Sick, really.
And the thing is - these areas where we hold on so tightly? They're killing us a little bit at a time. Keeping us from real life and joy and freedom.

I am still very much in the early stages of of attempting (and feeling compelled) to stop hoarding. One look at my closet would let you know that. So don't get me wrong - I love me some presents. I love me some clothes and all kinds of other crap. I'm a work in progress.
I'm trying to figure out what all of this means for me. Micah and I are trying to figure out what all of this means for our family. And especially for our family around Christmastime. How will we incorporate these principles that we care about into our lives and our traditions? How should we do gifts? Do we make them all? Knit them out of wool from a lamb we keep in our back yard?...(j/k - for now at least!). Do we commit to giving no more than three gifts to our kids - who we give NONE to now because they're too young to care?

This is what I know. As a culture, we are obsessed with stuff and it is super addicting. I never, ever would have told you that I was that attached to my silly gift cards - until I was asked to give them away. I would venture to say that the vast majority of us have way more things than we know how to love - WAY MORE. Having all of this stuff causes mental and emotional stress, even if we don't think it does, even if we don't know it's there. I sometimes literally feel like there is a physical weight from it all, and it makes me feel claustrophobic.

So this is what I'm going to do about it. I'm going to keep asking the questions and keep talking with Micah about it until we find a way that works for our family. And it will probably be different than the way that works for you or your family. We all have different needs, different things that work. I'm going to keep asking myself all the time, "Do I know how to love this?" And if I don't, I will let it go. I will ask the same about Douglas and Timon before buying them more and more stuff. I'm going to remind myself that there are so very many people out there who are in great need today. Holding on to this stuff I don't know how to love is directly robbing someone else of the opportunity to love it very, very much.
I think we could all stand to lighten our load a little bit (or a LOT) this holiday season. Pass things on to someone else. Clear space in our homes and our lives and our minds. More space means more love and blessings and light can enter in. And I say Joy to the World to THAT.

I love this. Thank you, Ging. I forwarded to Brant and said, "Ginger does a better job of explaining why I want to purge our house every few months better than I can." Thank you, too, for reminding us that God DOES care about the seemingly small things, the details and the items/areas that many would deem insignificant. And all we have to do is listen.
Just wondered if you would do a follow-up post to what she said about your gift cards...Fabulous by the way!
P.S. My daughter is a good friend of your SIL, Heather! Small world!
Love Being A Nonny - thanks for your comments! Heather Ann told me who you were - SO FUN! I love that you're reading the blog! Great idea about the follow-up. I think I'll update the post with a paragraph about how she responded. It was short and sweet and just what I expected/hoped for. Thanks for the idea! I'll also put her response here. :)
Her first email response was this:
I am OBSESSED with this email on one million levels. Going to sleep right now because my kids whooped my ass today. But I LOVE you and I can't wait to write back. Tomorrow. And yes, you know I'm taking those cards and giving them away.
And I know what you mean about the hoarding and the lighter and the just in case. ME TOO.
More tomorrow."
Then this:
"Could you send the cards to me at --- address? I have some good ideas for them. There is a granmonkee with LOTS of grandkids who is totally broke. She wants to buy a little thing for each one. I think your cards could work, no?"
Of course, the cards were perfect in all their quirkiness and randomness for a grandmom with lots of grandkids who would want things from lots of different places. I love the way God works! :)
Just read your post on receiving those cards back in the mail seven months later....W O W !!!
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