Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Rainbow and a Pot of Veggies

Douglas made this rainbow at school, and Micah and I both separately thought that it would be a perfect logo for something.  I think maybe it's a perfect logo for life.  And certainly for parenthood.  It's messy and a bit off-kilter sometimes.  It's not perfect or symmetrical or what you expect.  It's entirely outside the box.  Something you can't plan for or master or perfect.  But it is beautiful.  It is colorful and brings such joy and light and shakes things up all the time.  It makes things interesting.  It surprises you.  And, ultimately, it is TONS better this crooked, funky way than it ever would be the perfectly straight, in-the-lines, predictable way.

After two weeks of feeling like I was completely in a fog, I suddenly felt like myself again.  Things are still hectic around here and we're still majorly adjusting to this new life as a family of four.  But it's me adjusting, me experiencing the normal stress and ups and downs that come with such a life change.  Before, it felt like some other person had taken over my body.

That's how depression feels, in my opinion.  Like you are trapped inside and can't quite shake that super heavy thing that has taken over you.  It reminds me of one of the Spider Man movies (I know - you're laughing at me now) - maybe #3 - where that black tar stuff covers his body and he becomes this darker, totally different version of himself.  He's still in there, but the tarry crap has temporarily taken over.  I knew I was feeling depressed -  because I've dealt with depression before.  I felt like this time it was situational and that it would go away on its own.  I hoped it would.

Well, there was a vegetarian miracle.

My dad decided to do this diet called Eat to Live (at the risk of sounding condescending, I'm so proud of him for doing it.  I love him and therefore want him to be as healthy as he can be, so this step makes me very, very happy).  It involves eating tons (as much as you want) of fruits, veggies, and beans/legumes - a small amount of grains - and little to no animal products.  Micah and I are doing it to support him and also to detox our bodies after 8 weeks of eating badly after Timon was born.  We were eating whatever was easy and convenient rather than what would make us feel good and healthy. 

Well, I kid you not, within a day I felt a shift.  I'm not making this up.  I wasn't even expecting the diet to rid me of my depression.  I should have expected it to at least help because eating well ALWAYS improves our mental and emotional state, but I just hadn't even thought about it.  And suddenly, a day into it, it literally felt like this fog lifted off of me.  My sister said that she noticed there was more light in my eyes.  I'm back!  At first, I wasn't sure if it was the change in diet that had done the trick.  I wondered if it would continue or if this was a fluke.  Well, all I can say is that it's a week later and I'm still feeling great!  It feels so good to feel like myself again!!

For the record, I don't believe that diet changes can cure all depression.  Sometimes it is chemical and needs to be treated with medication in my opinion.  But in my case this time, I knew that it was situational and, as if turns out, dietary more than it was chemical.

If any of you are looking for a way to detox your body before the winter starts, check out Eat to Live by Dr. Fuhrman.  I don't necessarily agree with every single thing in his book (ie. I've read a lot about negative aspects of soy, but he's totally ok with soy), but any way of eating that is based largely on fruits and vegetables and beans is super good for you.  I've read other books that tout the benefits of animal products, while his talks about the major risks associated with eating them in even moderate quantities.  Like anything else in the health world, there are majorly conflicting opinions out there.  All you can do is make the best decision you can with the information that's available today.  The research he presents about the effects of eating so many animal products is very compelling and alarming.  Since Douglas and I can't have dairy and I can't eat much meat, it's an easy decision for us. 

It's a 6-week plan, and the author says that after you've done 6 weeks you'll look and feel so great that you'll change the way you eat for the long term.  We've done one week so far.  If any of you want to join us, let me know and we can trade recipe ideas, etc!  The book talks a lot about losing massive amounts of weight (like for people who weigh 300 lbs), but he also mentions that his approach works for any body type - the point ultimately is to, well, eat to live!  So, the idea is to eat in a healthy way that will give you energy and vitality and prevent many diseases.  Losing weight doesn't have to be your focus at all - it can just be detoxing the body and eating in a way that is extremely healthy for you.

All I can say is that Micah and I have both been shocked by our energy levels and the effects so far.

Yay! for having a life that's like a crazy, messy rainbow.  Yay! for eating food that helps us to really see and experience that brightness as much as humanly possible.

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