Friday, August 19, 2011

Pennies and Wishes

Micah lovingly reminded me to enjoy my last few days with just Douglas before we become a family of four.  Micah's good like that.  Perspective.

So, I decided to do something special and fun yesterday with my little man instead of just going through the day as usual.  We loaded up the ginormous stroller in the little trunk and went to a pond/"lake" nearby (by way of Starbucks, happily).  We walked around the lake and looked at ducks and talked about how God made some of them with brown feathers and some with white feathers and how that one with the white feathers has some CRAZY fluffy hair goin' on today (I've never in my life seen a duck with a mohawk, but there it was, flappin' in the breeze!).

The temperature was perfect - the kind where you step out of your car and don't NOTICE the temperature for a few minutes because it's not blazing hot.  I could have missed how great it felt, but not this day.  This day I was in the moment - I was in the business of noticing everything, taking it all in.  So, a few minutes into our walk I noticed how amazingly not sweltering it was, and I was grateful.

We stopped by a fountain near the pond on our walk, and Douglas got out to explore.  He'd never seen this fountain before.  I taught him about making wishes and throwing pennies into the water, which he was thoroughly pleased about.  I told him he could make a wish if he wanted to and he threw several pennies in, one at at time.  I told him I was saving one for myself because I wanted to make a wish.  I held the penny (and so did Douglas because he was SO not letting me get away with throwing the last penny in) and said out loud, "We wish that Timon will be our son and Douglas' brother next week and that he will be in our arms and in our home forever."  It was a prayer mixed with a wish mixed with a weird tradition of throwing pennies into water that started God knows when or where.  I liked it.  Douglas sat quietly and very still while I said my wish out loud and then he threw the penny in.  I love that boy.

We sat and felt the misty drips of water that the wind brought our way from the fountain.  I resisted a few of Dougie's requests to put his feet in the water, thinking they (whoever they are) probably don't want little munchkin feet in their pretty water.  Then I thought "who CARES?!" and let him sit on the edge and splash his precious chubby feet in the cool water.  He wanted me to join him in the fun, so I slipped off my hot pink sandals and stuck my feet in the water next to his.

We capped off all of the festivities with a nice lunch for two at Chipotle - just me and the little man.  He was the perfect gentleman.  I loved this day with my sweet baby boy who's about to be a big brother.  

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